Friday, November 4, 2011

11 Years on 1/11/11

A few days ago, Hubby and I celebrated our anniversary. Not our wedding anniversary but the time when both of us became committed to each other for a relationship (see our love story here). Every 1st of November is really a special day for us, but it has even became more special this year because it's our 11th year on the 11th month and 11th year of the century! :))

So, Hubby and I celebrated our anniversary by going on a special date. We had a lot of fun recalling the times that took place 11 years ago here in Thailand. It could have been more memorable if we had our date on the restaurant where we talked 11 years ago, but sadly that place had turned into a beauty shop. :)

We thank God for being with us through all the years and one thing for sure is that we continue to seek to fulfill His purpose in our lives as a couple.

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