Friday, September 30, 2011

Touching One's Life

Today we received a letter from the Pastor of the Community Center in which our sponsored child (from Compassion Intl.) is going to school. I just can't help but be teary-eyed reading the letter just as I was when I read the letter from our sponsored child. Indeed, we are grateful to God for being a blessing and touching a life in Kenya even if we don't know if we could ever get a chance to see him or to step on his country. Sponsoring H. K. is a step of faith for us too as have to commit in supporting the educational needs on a monthly basis. But we know that just as how God as led us in sponsoring H.K., He will continue to provide so we could support him. But one thing for sure, our hearts are overflowing with joy knowing that through His grace , we are touching one life in Kenya.

Pregnancy and Birth Facts and Figures

I've come across this graphics with Pregnancy and Birth Facts and Figures in the US. I like to see graphics like this because it gives me a lot of facts in very little time. As I was browsing through this graph, I can't help but notice that thousands of the children are born from teenage mothers or unmarried moms. I'm sure this wasn't the same percentage or the same number, 50 years ago or so. I'm sure a lot of teenage moms are well prepared and ready to have children of their own, but it's also a fact that many of them are not. There may be isolated cases of children being abandoned by their teenage moms as they can't cope with the challenges of motherhood and stuff. But I wonder how this kind of situation can also be prevented... Oh, I'm just thinking out loud....

Not So Much Into Blogging

I've been blogging for more than 4 years now and I still remember those days when I would always be so excited to write my posts. Everyday, I would keep track of our activities, my insights and think of writing them all in my blog. I would already know what to write even before I turn on my computer.

Now, after 4 years and 8 (active) blogs, I think I've hit the burn out stage. I'm 'forced' to write because I've made a 'career' out of it and gone are my insightful and 'quality' posts. I would stare blankly on my screen and dig through my brains just to come up with a post.

Oh, I know this isn't good. I hope that this stage will soon pass by and once again I'll be excited to share my thoughts and life through this blog.

Get Trained

Beauty experts trained at famous cosmetology schools would always have an advantage over those who are not. We cannot deny the fact that people would always have the tendency to brand people with the kind of training they get or to the school they went to.

So I think that it would be wise for one who wants to pursue training in cosmetology to have it in famous schools. It would be an investment, but in the long run the opportunity that they would have after their training would be tremendous. They could have their own business, or work in more popular beauty salons—not to mention of course that they could also make a name for themselves!

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 3583 Alpine Avenue NW – Walker, MI 49544

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Human Brain

This is a powerful video that shows us the reality of the human brain and the significance of the WOrd of God in renewing our minds in order for us to live the lives we were meant to live.

New House+ Garden= Rabbits

My happy boy and the rabbit at P.D Ostrich Farm

My kids have been wanting to take care of rabbits for the longest time. We just told them to wait since aside from travelling more frequently this year, our house don't have much space for rabbits. So, we told them than we can only let them have rabbits if we get to move to a bigger house with a yard. So, from then on they've been praying for us to move to a bigger house with a garden. We don't really need a big garden with composters and stuff. But just enough space for our kids and rabbits to run around and play. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

We're Back

We're back from Malaysia and I should say we had a tremendous and blessed week there. The conference that we attended was very awesome. We also had a great time being with friends and family. Then before we head home, we dropped by and visited the Logos Hope ship in Penang. Oh, I panicked when I saw a lot of books. If there weren't a lot of people at that time ( because it was a Sunday), I should have spent hours and hours in there and maybe spent a lot too. So, in a way it's good that the crowd was there.. ;)

Overall, I thank God for being with us the whole week. We also thank God for a pleasant journey as we just drove to and from Malaysia. I enjoyed looking at the great scenery along the Perak area and the manufactured homes along the high way in the North.

Next, we're looking forward for our trip to the Philippines! Yipee!

Our Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday, Hubby and I celebrated our 9th year anniversary! We truly praise and thank God for the blessed 9 years that has passed. Indeed, we can testify, that it is through God's love and grace that kept us blessed and happy as a couple and as a family.

As what my pastor ( brother in law) has said, marriage is not an end itself but a means of doing God's purpose and glorifying God. Indeed I remember what J and I prayed 10 years ago (pre marriage years), as we committed our lives as a couple to follow God's purposes and plans for us.

As we just passed the 9 years mark and moving on to the ' beyond', it is our prayer that indeed God will be glorified and be made known through our lives as a couple and as family. Amen!

Anyways,here is a video that I created for HUbby for our anniversary.


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