Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday 30

For this week's Thankful Thursday theme: Change

I thank God for a wonderful week! We are actually on a holiday now and it's such a welcome change from our daily routines. But even if we are on a holiday, there are still some stresses involved especially we are first time in this country, on a tight budget and we're traveling with kids. But even with these experiences, we are learning a lot of things from our loving Father. He is indeed changing us and molding from glory to glory whether we are working or even on a holiday - in whatever circumstances we maybe. But that is indeed such a comfort because we know that God wants us to be the people He wants us to be and never letting us just go on our own way.

Here are my other TT list:
  • I Thank God that we're in Hong Kong right now and giving us a chance to visit Disneyland tomorrow.
  • I Thank God for letting us avail of Airasia's Zero far promotion last February and just paid 560RM ( about 7000 pesos) total fare for the whole family from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong.
  • I thank God for our generous and hospitable cousin who allowed us to stay in her beautiful apartment here.
  • I thank God for his provision that we could go around the city and see different sites.
  • I thank God for a very pleasant trip from KL
  • I thank God for seeing the beauty of this place and HIs creation.
For more TT entries please click the badge above.


Pia said...

oh my sister left for hong kong this morning. btw, you're based in KL? i'm planning to go to KL next year.

awesome blessings!

i said...

It's nice to be on holidays! Have a great vacation!

Mary said...

I enjoyed your thankful list. Have a safe and happy holiday and enjoy Disney.


Debbie Petras said...

I love how we can connect through our blogs, no matter how far away we live. And our love for the Lord also connects us.

Happy thankful Thursday to you,

Denise said...

Very nice list.

Unknown said...

He is indeed changing us and molding from glory to glory...

Amen... Amen... Amen.

Great List. You honor Jesus...

It Feels Like Chaos said...

So fun! Have a wonderful vacation and Disney trip!


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