Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday- Joshua 1:3

Joshua 1: 3
I will give you every place where you set your foot... ( NIV)

Joshua 1:3
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you.. ( KJV)

I'm claiming this promise from the Word of God as we go and reach out to the Nations! May we be a blessing wherever we go and lift His name on alone.

For more word filled wednesday entries, you can find Mr. Linky at Critty Joy.


Anonymous said...

Love this. Cute shoes, wonderful Word.

Happy WFW!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

This WFW put a big grin on my face. It reminds me of Christ's words that we should be like children... Children are not afraid of sharing their faith. Thank you for sharing.

LivingforGod said...

Happy WFW! This post reminds me of Isaiah 52:7 :).

Denise said...

Really nice WFW.

SnoWhite said...

what a confidence we can have in each day with that Truth.

Susan said...

Powerful!! (and cute idea!)

Believing with you for the nations, it is our inheritance♥

Cathy said...

Thank you for that wonderful Word today.

life's journey said...

Oh I believe that words..Happy WFW!....

Bogie said...

the shoes looks familiar. he.he.he


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