Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3 Days to Go!

3 days to go and Hubby will be back from Nepal! Yehey! My 12 days without my hubby is finally over. Whew! It was not actually the first time that I'm left alone with the kids. Last year, my kids and I went ahead to the Philippines and Hubby only followed after 2 months.

But I don't know why this time is quite different. The 12 days just seemed so long and I was struggling in between. I guess it's because my kids have grown to be more active and thus more difficult to handle alone. Or perhaps, maybe I have become more impatient and less understanding.

But in all these 9 days, I've learned some valuable lessons from God ( and am still learning now). The week has been like a breaking and molding process for me. Though, I won't still pass as the best candidate for the "World's Most Patient Mom" but that's the direction that I want to go. And in my endeavor to pursue that most sought after virtue, I must constantly depend on God for His strenght and grace. Thank You Lord!

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