Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday 24

It's Thankful Thursday once again. I was not able to join last week since I was traveling to North Thailand which is actually one of the things that I'm thankful for this week. So, let me share my thankful list for this week and last week.

1) I thank God for an opportunity to have a 'Mommy Break'. I went to North Thailand ( which is actually a contest prize for me) and had a refreshing time there; We went to different beautiful places, rode an elephant, went cycling around the old city and most of was able to spend a lot of time reading books and reflection.

2) I thank God for the successful operation of my Mom. She had a 4 in 1 operation and recovering well. We're continually praying for strength and fast recovery.

3) I thank God for His protection during my travel and protection for my family while their at home.

4) I thank God for my Hubby and I celebrated our 7th year wedding anniversary last September 7. Wow! Our heart rejoices for this blessed union.

5) And finally, I thank God that I'm back home.... back to my normal routine but back to snuggles, cuddles, hugs, kisses, tickles and giggles with my babies.

For more Thankful Thursday entries, please click the badge below. You might want to join us this week too!


LAURIE said...

What a wonderful list of thanks! Happy Anniversary to you, a good husband is truly something to give God thanks for! -Happy TT.

Pia said...

glad your mom is recovering well. belated happy anniversary to you and hubby. God has truly blessed you with the small and big things in life.

i said...

That's a nice break. I've heard that Northern Thailand is a beautiful place. I've never been there before. Happy anniversary to you and husband. Glad to hear your mom is better too.

Nancie said...

Glad you have had a nice break. Praying with you for your mum's recovery.

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! How are both of you? I have not been posting or reading regularly but do missed you so.


Rocks said...

Belated happy Anniversary to you and to your husband :) May you have more wonderful years together..and wishing your mom also a complete and fast recovery :)


PS.. I would love to have that kind of break too!

Denise said...

Glad you are home safe, and that your moms surgery was successful.Hope you enjoyed your anniversary.

Jerralea said...

What a great list! How neat that you got a break and yet it's great to come home!

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!

Debbie Petras said...

How exciting to actually win a trip to N. Thailand! Wow! Glad to hear your mother is recovering and that you're back home, enjoying cuddles and snuggles. That always puts a smile on a woman's face, doesn't it?


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