Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday 25

Justify Full

It's Thursday once again, even if I'm a bit late for to submit my entry I know it's still officially Thursday in some other parts of the world. :)

Here is my thankful list for this week:

1) I thank God for the provision for my Hubby's trip to Nepal. Praise God for meeting his travel needs. They are going to Nepal to conduct VBS training for the Sunday School teachers. This will be the very first time for these teachers to be trained and to conduct VBS.

2) I thank God for leading and directing us for our ministry at the end of the year. It's going to be challenging but exciting as well. :)

3) I thank God for putting a desire in our hearts and we're believing that indeed it will come to pass.

4) I thank God for His strength and protection daily.

5) I'm thankful for we are just serving an AWESOME God!

What are you thankful for this week? Click on the badge above to join us.


Denise said...

Such great blessings.

Sarah said...

Thankful for meeting you! Such a delight to meet others serving our Lord around the world. My little family has prayed for Nepal for years ...

Blessings from this ministry mommy,
Sarah Dawn

Saleslady371 said...

It is a blessing to serve the Lord. How exciting about your work in Nepal!

Karen said...

Great list...and we do serve an awesome God!

LAURIE said...

Praise God for His provision and love. Glad to see you again this week over at TT!


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