Thursday, July 31, 2008

And the Winners Are..........

.. CONGRATULATIONS to the 2 WInners!! Please email me your home address at daytodaymiracles at gmail dot com . The First one to email me will get the privilege to choose the color for the Thai Letter Holder...

ONCE AGAIN THank you so much to everyone who participated in this giveaway!!
Till the next give away...

GOD bless you all!!

Thankful Thursday 6

This week's theme is relationship.

1) I thank God for my relationship with HIM. He is indeed faithful and gracious. Though there are seasons in my life that I seem far away but one assurance is that He never lets go of my hand and bringing me back into His arms again. That is our God and Saviour, He never lets us go because He love us so much and even gave HIs only beloved Son to die for our sins for us to have life eternal. That's God's amazing grace.

2) I thank God for my relationship with my Hubby which is getting stronger and sweeter as the years go by. This year will be our 6th year in marriage and even though we know that we still have a long way to go but we are assured that the God who has put together will always be faithful to guide us and lead us to have a strong and happy marriage.

3) I thank God for my kids. They are indeed so precious and gives great joy to our hearts. As young as they are, they are already expressive in their affections.

4) I thank for my family back in the Philippines who is always there for us in enouragement, prayers and support. They are indeed a part of who I am now. My Mother who has been my prayer partner and chat mate. Thank GOd for the internet too, that enables us to communicate with them regularly.

5) I thank God for my in-laws who has accepted me whole heartedly as their own. They are indeed very sweet, caring and God-fearing people. Going back to my Hubby's place is always a joyous reunion. I thank God for "Amma" (my mother-in-law) that even she has to raise her children all by herself (due to her husband's death) , by God's grace she was able to raise up sweet, loving and God fearing children.

6) Lastly, I thank God for friends who are always there, ready to lend an ear, learn new lessons and simply are just there when you need someone to talk to.

:) ...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Officially Closed

The Give away contest is now officially closed and I really thank the 68 bloggers or blogs that are signed up. I'll be doing some last minute checks later and be writing your names for the draw.

I'm excited as to who'll be the two winners for the contest! :)All the best!! And keep in tune for our announcement of winners tomorrow!

Have a blessed night to ALL!

From Thailand With Love - Give away

Hello Everyone!! To celebrate the 'birth' of our new domain, we would like to host a contest. It's called " From Thailand with Love Giveaway" . We will be giving away a Thai Decorative Letter Holder to two winners. (Mailing charges will be on us, wherever you are.)

It's so easy to join!

1) Just write your name/ URL and post a comment here and then

2) Post about this contest in your blog with the photo of the give away and link back to this site ( . You can say whatever you want and there are no minimum or maximum number of words in your post. You can also scale down or make the photo larger.

*The more blogs you have with the posts about this contest, the more chances you'll have in winning.

The contest will end on July 3oth, 8:00 pm Thailand time. The entries will be drawn and winners will be announced on the 31st at 8:00 pm Thailand time.

Come and join!! This give away can be yours! :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Two Days to Go!...

Two more days to go before the the Thai giveaway ends.. so,...

To those who haven't signed in yet.. Hurry! You still have a chance to join!

To those who have signed in, left a comment BUT haven't posted about the contest in their blogs yet, you still have a chance to do so. If you fail to post about this contest in your blog, I'm sorry to say that you won't be qualified for the draw.

A few days ago, I went around and checked the blogs of those who joined and I saw a few who weren't able to post about it yet..and I also left a reminder in their blogs.

I'll do another round of checking and reminders until Wednesday and then I'll do the final round before writing your names and blog names for the raffle draw.

Since I'm a low tech gal and a bit lazy to find out how the 'randomizer' works and how to put in screenshots and etc in the post, I'm choosing to draw out the winners manually and broadcast it via YouTube. Winners will be announced on the 31st.

And lastly, I thank everyone who joined my first contest! Thank you so so much!! It's a fun experience for me...and maybe just maybe I can host another contest in the future.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Missing JTS..

JTS stands for Jesus the Shepherd Church. This is the church which we attend back in our hometown, Cagayan de Oro city. I miss my family, relatives and friends in the church. I miss the worship the Filipino way, though the songs are mostly in English. I miss our Pastor's sermon. You know the kind of sermons that you understand 100%. When we're here in Thailand, preaching is usually in Thai and sometimes there's a bit of translation here and there but my comprehension won't be fully 100%. When we're in Malaysia ( like last week) we attend my HUbby's church which is conducted in Tamil. At least for Thai I could understand about 50% but for Tamil, I would say that I could only understand " Yesu, Karthave!" :)

But the good news is, our church already got a blog! Yes, it's not just me who's into blogging but JTS as well. So, I'm updated with their latest events and even some of our Pastor's sermon outlines are also written. Hopefully, the time will also come that they could record their sunday services or preaching perhaps and post it in the blog? What do you think?

Have a blessed Sunday to ALL!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday 5

We just got back...Thanks so much for those who left their comments in my last week's TT post.

  • First, I'm thankful for a refreshing week we had last week. Our trip to Ipoh, Malaysia was indeed a blessed one. Our family esp. our kids enjoyed the water park and the conference we attended was also a fruitful one.
  • I'm thankful for a great time with spent with my Hubby's family as we stayed there for the weekend. All of the siblings were present and had a great time together. Our Li'l girl also enjoyed playing with her cousin who's almost her age. She really longs for playmates as she doesn't have a lot of playmates here in Thailand.
  • I'm thankful for a quick renewal of our Thai visas. Doing all these visa works and documents can be quite stressful and I thank God for another successful transaction.
  • I'm thankful for friends and even some we haven't met who took good care of us during our stay for the conference. We stayed in a church apartment esp. for guests/visitors and everything was complete. When we arrived there was even a basket full of snacks and breakfast stuff all prepared for us, and the fridge was full of milk and fruits. That was indeed a pleasant surprised and we appreciate their hospitality a

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Survey Says..........

I'm conducting a survey here in this blog. It's on the right hand side.

Actually, I'm just quite curious if how many people really read sponsored posts or reviews. I write sponsored posts in my other blog while for this blog, we're just waiting for it to mature enough..

If you ask me, I don't read all sponsored posts on other people's blog. It somehow depends on the way it's written. If it sounds personal or interesting and then it would catch my attention for me to read. But if it sounds like an ad from a newspaper or talk from a salesman, then I just scroll down for more interesting posts. That's why I try hard to make my sponsored posts in my other blog, more personal or interesting too..but some are just difficult to relate with personal life or even make it interesting, and sometimes I'm just too lazy to think.. so I'm also guilty of writing them like a desperate salesman at times.. hahah!!

So, what's your answer on the poll?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jay's Wedsnesday Postponed..

Sorry the time you read this post . Our family are off traveling to Malaysia and only be back after a week. We're sorry to announce tha Jay's Wednesday is postponed until the week after.

Thankful Thursday 5

Another Week has passed and it's time for Thankful Thursday!! Actually, we're out of town at this moment as this is a pre dated post so forgive me If I'm not writing accdg to the theme. :)

  • I thank God for His love endures forever.
  • I'm thankful for God's strength and grace as we go through each day.
  • I'm thankful for friends in Malaysia who are allowing us to stay in an apartment (for free!) as we stay here in Ipoh for a conference and a bit of holiday :)
  • I'm thankful and looking forward for time to be spent with my in-laws family this weekend. I've got the greatest mother-in law and that's really a LOT to be thankful to GOd for :)
  • I'm thankful for God's daily provision and protection in our lives.
That's all for now and looking forward for your thankful posts too. I can't immediately read and reply your comments as we are out of town now but I'll get back to you as soon as we're back home. God bless!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Couple's Devotion 3 - Then You Came

This is a beautiful devotion and it'll be more beautiful if you and your spouse can get together read the verse, the story, ask each other the questions below and pray together..


Then You Came

Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:8

The young husband was desperate. His wife had abandoned him and their two children weeks before. Though she still called occasionally, he had no idea where she was. On the phone, he pleaded with her to come home and told her how much he and the children loved her, yet she continually rebuffed hi. Was it time to give up and move on?

No. The husband used his meager savings to hire a detective, who found his wife living in a third-rate hotel across the country. The husband borrowed money for a plane ticket. Soon he was on her doorstep saying " We love you so much. Wouldn't you come home?" She fell apar in his arms and they went home together.

Weeks later he asked why she hadn't come when he expressed his love repeatedly on the phone, " Because," she answered, " those were only words before. But then you came."

True love is more than words. It may involve flying across the country, even when it costs you your last nickel, to bring your spouse home.

Just between us.....

  • How have I shown you my love this week?
  • If " actions speak louder than words," are my deeds shouting or whispering my love for you?
  • What can I do this week to show my love for you?
  • How specifically, did Jesus show us HIs love?
Dear Lord Jesus, we want both our words and actions to say " love" in personal, powerful, and positive way. Show us new ways to " honor one another above ourselves" Amen.
Taken from Night Light by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson

Couple's Devotion 2 - I Promise

I'm sorry for a delayed post for couple's devotion day. Today's devotion from Dr. Dobson's, Night Light, reminds us our promise to our spouses on our wedding day. Are we keeping our promise that we made several years ago? Read on and be reminded and be blessed..

"I Promise..."

" Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No." Matthew 5:37

Love can be defined in myriad ways, but in marriage " I love you" really means " I promise to be there for you all of my days." It is a promise that says, " I'll be there when you lose your job, your health, your parents, your looks, your confidence, your friends. " It's a promise that tells your partner, " I'll build you up; I'll overlook your weakness; I'll forgive your mistakes; I'll put your needs above your own; I'll still by you even when the going gets tough."

THis kind of assurance will hold steady through all of life's ups and downs, through all the " better or worse" conditions.

The Lord has demonstrated throughout the ages He keeps HIs promises - including the ost important one of all, reserving a spot in heaven for each of His folowers, for all eternty. Since God keeps HIs promises, we must keep ours too - especially the one we mde before God, our family, our friends, and our church on our wedding day.

Just between us...

  • What part of our wedding vow means the most to you now?
  • In what ways has our pledge to " stick together no matter what" seen us through hard times?
  • How do we benefit spiritually from keeping our commitments?
Dear Lord,

Give us Your strength today to honor our promises. May our word be our bind - to each other, to our friends, and to family and associates. Thank you that You never waiver on Your promises to us. Amen.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Coming SOon! Jay's Wednesday!

I'm so excited and happy to announce that ..after so much of convincing, persuading and forcing my HUbby, he has finally agreed to write some posts here in our blog. LOL! The domain aslobears his name so it's just right for him to also contribute as a co owner of this blog isn't? LOL!!

As a start, he will have a weekly post called Jay's Wednesday. His posts will be more on tips and tricks on making some improvised gadgets and stuff. You know the guy's stuff. This has been his hobby lately. He thinks that he's not so good in writing about life, reflections and etc. I don't think so and I know that once he gets the blogging bug he'll soon be writing his heart out. hehehe!

So, hope to see you here on Jay's Wednesday! ;)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sky Watch Friday 3

Welcome to my Sky Watch Friday Entry. Joining Sky Watch Friday made me realize something.. I need a new and better camera!! LOL!! I can't seem to get a perfect photo and I'm just always amazed by everyone's photo at SWF. But one thing for sure, I really love your photos and trying to learn bit by bit.

Hatyai City, Thailand as seen from on high.

Hatyai City is one of the biggest cities in Thailand though not as busy and crowded as Bangkok.

You might be interested to join my contest and get a chance to win a Thai Decorative Letter Holder. It's so easy to join! Scroll up for details. Cheers!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday 4

Oh, I almost forgot that it's Thursday today...Usually, I make my TT list on wednesday, it's Thursday noon here in Thailand..and I'm glad that I remembered it.

1) I thank God for a lovely date with my Hubby last Saturday night. We truly enjoyed the evening and it was our first time after a loonnn time to go to a cozy, romantic place since we just usually go to a coffee shop for our night outs :)

2) I also thank God for our regular couples devotion together. We're using a good material where we could discuss very important matters that couldn't have just surface in our day to day conversation with kids. Truly refreshing.

3) I thank God for another day out with my daughter and spent time with each other too.. I also enjoyed window shopping to the maximum. :)

4) I thank God for a pearly white tooth has already surfaced from my almost 9 month old son's gum. SO cutee! :)

5) I thank God for giving us a sign for our upcoming major trip next year. My Hubby and I were not sure if we push on our desires and plans for the TRIP so, we asked God for a sign until September. BUt surprisingly, it's only July and God already gave us a sign and it's 'written' almost everywhere! hahaha! Now we could move on and pray, and plan in faith..Thank you Lord..we're so excited!!

That's all for now..I'm truly amazed with God's faithfulness and answers to our prayers..even the most minute detail, He answers.

God bless you ALL!

* While you're here.. you might want to join my contest and get a chance to win a Thai Decorative Letter Holder..details are on the top page..thanks! :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Marriage Monday 2

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis
Want this button?

I hope I'm not too late to post my Marriage Monday entry. This is my 2nd post and the first one I did in my other blog. I hope it's okay. But from now on I'll post my MM entries here.

Since it's an open topic this month. I chose to place a widget here in my post to check your "Love Language". My HUbby and I read Gary Chapman's book, The Five Love Languages during our 'honeymoon' in one of the islands here in Thailand. It was a beautiful moment of reflection and understanding each one's needs and how our love tanks can be filled.

My number 1 Love Language is Quality time while my Hubby's Love Language is Acts of Service. So you could imagine a cross between Martha and Mary. I would want to just want to relax, talk and spend quality while my Hubby will be so busy doing things around the house. But knowing what our primary love language, we give way and try to understand each others' need, and fill each other's love tank first before our own.

What about you? What's your primary love language?

More Free Widgets

Monday, July 7, 2008

From Thailand With Love - Give away

THank you for your interest in joining the contest!

You can leave your comment below.

Have a great day!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Couples Devotion Week 1

Welcome to our first Couples Devotion post. Please read here for more info. This is one touching story that made me and my HUbby teary eyed when we were reading this.

What if we were in the author's situation? Will we stay committed or will be get tired and give up easily? Read on and be blessed.

Do You Want Me?
by Park York

I rise early this Friday, as I do every day, to prepare coffee and mix a protein shake. The television news plays quietly in the corner. Flossie, my wife, is still asleep.

Sometime after eight, she begins floating out of slumber. I bring the shake to her bedside, put straw in her mouth, and she and she gives her cheek a little pat as she begins to drink. Slowly the liquid recedes.

I sit there holding the glass, thinking about the past eight years. At first she asked only an occasional incoherent or irrelevant question: otherwise she was normal. I tried for two years to find out what was wrong. She grew agitated, restless, defensive, as she was consistently tired and unable to hold a conversation.

At last a neurologist diagnose Alzheimers's disease. He said he wasn't sure - a firm diagnosis could come only from examining brain tissue after death. There is no known cause for this malady. And no known cure. READ MORE

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Lovely Evening

It was a lazy Saturday today. After my Hubby and co-workers arrived from the village to teach the children, they all came back real tired and had a long afternoon nap. We didn't have any evening plans and was laying down all the options we could do, since it's a Saturday evening! But nothing seemed to appeal to any of us and especially to our friends. It turned out that they just want to stay in our house and hang out. So, my hubby and I had an idea. Why don't we (my hubby and I) go on a date and leave the kids with them. hehhehe!! They willingly agreed and off we went.

While we were still trying to figure out where to go, we passed by a new, small restaurant. It was our first time to see that place and it looked nice from the outside with yellow lights and orange interior. We were one of the first few customers who came. And when we came we were surprised that they also have a band playing love songs and their lights are being dimmed as they were putting up candles for each tables. Wow! so romantic! :)

So, my Hubby and I surprisingly had a great evening even if we didn't plan it at all. I thank God for this refreshing time. I hope there'll be more to come :)

Phat Kreng Keng Kai, anyone? ( YUM! Spicy!!)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Coming Up..Couples Devotion

Since this is our (JEsu and Lalaine) blessing blog. We would also like to share the blessings in our life as a married couple.

We've been married for almost 6 years now. Imagine a Filipina married to a Malaysian ( onTamil descent) and living in Thailand. Would that spell a 'disastrous' mix of culture, language and tradition? I thought that I would really have a difficult time adjusting to cross cultural marriage in a cross cultural context. That's why I didn't want to marry a foreigner in the first place ( read our Love Story for more details). But surprisingly, 6 years just went passed without any major struggle in cultural adjustments. We just blended real well without me even realizing sometimes, that Jesu is of a different culture and we're in a totally different country.

When Jesu and I look back and talk about these things, we are always grateful to God for giving us his grace and love in our marriage. One very important aspect in our marriage life that we found important is through our coming together in prayer and study of God's word. We try to have our regular time to do a couples devotion.

With this said, I would like to regulary share in this blog, portions of our couples devotion. We're using the book from Dr. James Dobson, Night Light. It's a very good material with true to life story, insights, questions to be asked from each spouse and application too. I'll be posting this every Sunday together with my personal comments and reflection. Please feel free to use this material too as you and your spouse come together in prayer and devotion.

Sky Watch Friday 2

Lunch on the 33rd floor

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thankful Thursday 3

1) I'm thankful for a beautiful week that God has given us. Even if things are quite busy but we still get to spend quality time with family.

2) I'm thankful for God's constant direction in our lives. Even if there are still some 'uncertainties' or decisions that has to be made for the future, but we trust that He will eventually reveal to us and lead us to the right 'path' as we seek His will.

3) I'm thankful for friends which we consider as family constantly around us to work with, to encourage each other and pray with.

4) I'm thankful that God gave us great, loving and godly parents. Last June 27th was my father's 4th death anniversary, we miss him a lot but will for ever be greatful to God for giving us such a great father.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Weeky Fest # 1

I'm joining the Weekly Fest from the Pinay Mommy Community and this time we're going to post about some 4th birthday party ideas. This week's fest is hosted by The Nambiars .

We'll it's just timely since my daughter just turned four last May and she extremely enjoyed her birthday celebration.

Here are some of my party ideas:

1) Create a theme. It could be your child's favorite cartoon character or favorite color. All these can be visible in the decorations, banners, party bags, party hats and etc. If we're in Cagayan de Oro, I would show you the place to buy cheap party stuff..hehehe! It's called DD Toys in JR Borja st. :) If you have the budget, you could even let your li'l one dress up in his/her favorite character.

2) Settle for finger foods and not the ones that needed so much of preparation, and clean up . It just doesn't save you time but money as well.

3) Sing some songs and play some games! 4 years and above is the time when they enjoy their birthday parties and when they can actually join the games. Our favorite party games where both kids and parents have fun : The Longest Line, Maria Went to Town ( dressing up relay) , Boiled Egg Catching ( parent and child).

4) Give some thank you tokens or party bags to all the other children. This can range from small simple toys to sweets. Let the celebrant personally give these out to the other kids. It will teach them to not just receive gifts but also to give.

5) Let the birthday celebrant be involved in the party preparation. This will make his/her birthday more memorable. Let him/her help decorate the cake, blow up the balloons or do anything.

That's all I could think of now. If you're interested to see my post for my daughter's 4th birthday celebration , then click HERE.

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