Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thank You Lord for Mothers

" Is it okay that you're Mother and Mother in Law are together in your house?", my American friend asked. I was wondering about this question because my Husband also had the same question from 2 of his friends. I think mother and mother in laws together in one roof used to be a recipe for disaster..hehehe!! As what my friend said, they couldnt put her Mom and Mom in Law in the same house!..hahaha!But, I'm thankful that my Mom and mother in law are such peaceful and loving people that they or we didn't have any problem at all. They were both in our house for 2 weeks and even shared rooms.

Even if they are both from different backgrounds (yes, entirely different backgrounds) and different cultures ( my mom's a 100% true blooded Pinoy and my mom in law is a Malaysian Indian) but they are like buddies and choose to adjust and understand each other. I overhear them talk about their husbands, their family and etc. It was a good time of fellowship together as they only seldom see each other. They even gave each other gifts..the same gift..hahaha!they had one mind..My mom gave my Mom in law shoes as pasalubong and my mom in law also gave my Nanay shoes as pasalubong!hahaha!joker! and the shoes are either one size smaller or bigger for them..hehee!

I'm just truly grateful to God for our loving Nanay and Amma, they are such a blessing in our lives and learning so much from them. We love you both soooooo much and we'll miss you!but see you soon!

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