Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Princess Birthday!!

Wow! Time indeed flies so fast!! My Li'l Princess has already turned 4 years old. I could still remember when she was a still a baby...a cry baby for that matter. :) Little did we know, that baby grew up so fast!! Like a twinkling of an eye!! Tricia wasn't a baby for so long..I mean, she didn't go through the stage of baby talk at all. Once she learn how to talk, she just talked straight - thought at first we were the only one who could understand her because of her weird accent and diction.

I could still remember when she was only 1 year and 9 months that I almost fell off from my seat when she used the word "dangerous" !! Hahah! At 2 years old, she could already fill in the words I read from her story book. I don't know if other kids were also capable of this but based on what I've been reading from she's quite ahead with her language skills. I praise God for giving us a smart kid.

Now at 4 years old, you could imagine her language capabilities..hahahah! sometimes as a MOm who's the introvert, silent's quite challenging to be with an extrovert, super talkative child all day long!hahah! But good, now she's capable of playing by her self with her dolls and toys and therefore she has 'people' to talk to.hehhe!

Anyways, sorry for the seemingly chatting uncessantly about my daughter..sorry for being such a stage mom..but if you're interested to know more about can read her blogs here and here .

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