Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Huffington Post About Boring Men

I'm sure many of you have already read about the article by Ann Voskamp,The Real Truth about ‘Boring’ Men — and the Women who Live with Them: Redefining Boring. I sent that article to my Hubby's email and before he read the email, he had this look of disappointment on his face and asked, "Am I boring?".. LOL! I had to tell him to read the whole article first and then he won't be disappointed. I have a lot of favorite portions in the article which was actually well written. She started with the her advise to her sons that romance isn't measured by how viral your proposal goes but 'goal is to make your Christ-focus contagious'. I truly agree with the entire article since love is more than an emotion and the goal of every relationship is not ourselves but Christ. One might not be able to give out the most lavish gifts or Engagement Rings Salt Lake City , but if ones love is unconditional, selfless and sacrificial just as how Christ loves the church then that is worth more than the world! Anyways, if you're curious about the artcle from Ann Voskamp, I suggest you search it up and read it. It's a beautiful piece of article.

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