Friday, December 6, 2013

Karaoke Boy

We went for a camp at Songkhla about two weeks ago. The venue for the camp was superb, the house (they call it 'long stay' house) was situated near the lake and the space for activities was very big. One of the facilities that they have was a 'karaoke'. They didn't have k m flute stand but seeing the Karaoke actually transported me back to the Philippines since I know Filipinos love Karake and we love to sing. I didn't use the karaoke since aside from being shy to sing with everyone's presence, I'm no longer updated with all the songs anymore. But what amused us was our little boy, he sang all his heart out according to the tune of the song..but with only with  the lyrics , "God is good, all the time.. all the time , he is good'. It's funny actually how he try hard to keep his song in tune to the music .. from Justin Beibers music to some love song..  :)

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