Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Neighborhood Before and After

More and more condos, houses and apartments are now being built in our neighborhood. There's this new apartment right at the corner of our street and a few are also subdivisions being finished nearby. The real estate franchise are really booming in this part of the country as it does seem more and more people are investing on properties at this time. 

I could still remember the first time I came to this neighborhood several years back. Hubby and I rode a Tuktuk and we had truly had a bumpy ride. Our 'main road' used to be a dirt road at that time and if I remember it correctly, they were still building the road at that time. And since it just rained when we arrived, the roads were still muddy and slippery. Then I also remember there were more vacant lots than houses and it seemed that our area was not part of the city. Our house used to be so 'far' from the city proper. But as time went by, things changed. This was even more obvious after Carrefour was built. There were more houses being built in the area and more people seemed to have come too. So, our area has automatically become a 'part' of the busy city.

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