Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Puzzle Fun

A few nights ago, our family spent our nights in our daughter's room finishing the 600 pcs. world map jigsaw puzzle. It seemed a daunting task at first especially when we saw that there's so much of blue pieces which are actually the oceans, seas, bays and etc. But as we got a bit organized by doing the outline first, then oceans then countries, we couldn't help but be excited in finishing the task ( sounds like the great commission task huh?).

At first I thought that our son would just be an onlooker since he's not so much into puzzles and the pieces are just too small for him, but we were all surprised that he got to form Greenland all by himself and without looking at the box. Then, he also got to form Brazil. But I think he got bored after that and he was just playing around and sometimes disturbing us. As for my little girl, he eyes are always wide with excitement as she encounters the countries she has learned from homeschool. So far she has memorized the Scandinavian countries, Middle East and Eastern Europe. 

We really had a great family time doing our world map puzzle. As of now, we haven't touched the map yet as we will be praying over those countries during our family devotion. 

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