Sunday, September 2, 2012

Yummy Sunday - Cookie Monster

For this week's Yummy Sunday entry, I'm sharing the Cookie Monster cupcakes that I baked last week for our friends' son's birthday. I've been seeing this cupcake for quite sometime in Pinterest and so I decided to try it. My kids really had fun decorating the cupcakes, putting the eyes and the choco chip cookies. I'm glad that they turned out well, though I think it would be better if I had white choco melts to use for the eyes.

Maybe next time, we should try the Elmo cupcakes.. :)



Nice one. Looks very cute indeed. :-) Murag nag pahulay sa ko sa baking kay wala na i buy ug ingredients. ha.ha.ha.

Tintin.Tetay said...

Visiting from YS.

Good job on the baking! Looks good and I bet it tastes even better. But, I don't want to eat them. Too cute.

Jenn said...

Oh my gosh, that looked really good! I love the presentation - Cookie Monster talaga!

Willa @ The Food Blogger said...

it's cute and i bet yummy to!
Thanks for visiting my Yummy Sunday!


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