Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yummy Sunday - Spicy Chicken with Basil Leaves

Phat Kra Pao Kai or Spicy chicken with basil leaves is my favorite dish at all times! I could eat this everyday.. we'll I did try to eat this everyday for lunch for a week when I was teaching an 8 day course at our center. The neighbor shop actually makes a great Phat Kra Pao Kai and so I ended up ordering it when we're at the center. 

A few times, other food shops make this dish a little bit too spicy for comfort but surprisingly I still end up finishing it as long as I have a glass of Coke beside me. Heheh!

Oh, looking at this spicy meal makes me hungry now... and it's almost time for lunch!!

This is my entry for Yummy Sunday.. Join us now at Perfectly Blended.

1 comment:

Bernie Ponge said...

I love this!
I remember having the seafood
but this one is also a winner!
one order please...


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