Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Precious Girl!

It's our little girl's 8th birthday today! At 12 midnight we surprised her with a birthday cake and gifts here in our family friends' house. And later this morning, we will be going to their 'dream place' Kidzania. Oh, going there will really be an answer to my kids' prayers. For months, they've prayed, saved money and talked about this place. And praise God that finally the day has come for them to go.

I'm sure it's going to be an exciting day for my daughter and my son ( who's also claiming that it's also his birthday). Thank your Lord for the blessings and the opportunity to celebrate my daughter's birthday here in Malaysia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wooo hoooo HAPPY BIRTDAY TO A VERY SWEET GIRL.. I hope you had a great day and in joined your celebration at kidzania




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