Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The 'New' Old Skates

My li'l girl has loved skating ever since she learned how to skates. She was skating quite regularly the past months but stopped for awhile because we were away for a few times.

But last week, we have learned that the men who rent out the skates at the park were selling 2nd hand skates at a very cheap price. Oh, before that we've looked around for brand new inline skates and found our that they're quite pricey unlike those kuat bike racks so we never bought a pair for our girl. Anyways, the 2nd hand skates looked a bit old though still in a good condition. But, Hubby washed and repainted them purple and this is how they look like now.

Yeah, it looks new right? My li'l girl on the other hand was so happy for another answered prayer!

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