Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Praying for Our Journey

We'll be traveling this week. It's going to be quite a week since we'll be attending a wedding, baking brownies (for the wedding) , renewing my visa and 'celebrating' Tricia's birthday. It's going to be an exciting trip, yet I can't help but be a bit concern over a few things. Aside from my visa renewal process, I'm quite worried on whether our car can manage to travel the long distance. It hasn't been on its perfect condition for the past weeks. But anyways, we'll just have to pray for a pleasant journey, apply for Malaysian car insurance at the border which is different from liability insurance quotes , and maybe look for a good car repair shop in Malaysia.

Praying for a fruitful and exciting week for me and my family.I hope you can pray with us too.. Now, I'm excited.. :)

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