Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yummy Sunday - Fried Ice Cream

I know you must have been intrigued with the name of this dessert. Yes, this is called the Fried Ice cream . The Ice cream is inside which is deep-fried with the dough for a few minutes. The ice cream doesn't completely melt when it's being fried, but once served, you have to eat it immediately as the ice cream can melt easily now.

This is really a yummy 0nce-in-awhile treat.. I'm saying once in a while because, this is really fattening. Imagine the ice- cream, the dough and the OIL!!
Never mind if it's full of calories.. it's still delicious...

*photos from Joylee G.


Unknown said...

never tried fried ice cream, and im quite curious hehehe!

im sure its yummy :)

happy YS!

hope to see you too!

i♥pinkc00kies said...

give me some!

Pinx said...

i want to try this... bahala na ang calories. hehehe... was here for YS! hope you can visit mine too!

Kat-in-the-kitchen said...

yay, sounds new to me...but i am sure it's yummy...anyway, was here for YS.

zoan said...

wahh na try ko yang fried ice cream sa CDO dati pero di ganyan kasarap tingnan ehehe

mine is up herE:

raya said...

wwwaaah! appear jud ta laine, sweet tooth jud! hahahah...very delish! have tried this once. once in a while lang jud dapat! haha..

thanks for the visit, here for YS!

gagay said...

i've tried fried ice cream when am davao. :D

just hopping from yummy Sunday!!!

Emzkie said...

i never had fried ice cream before, that one looks so yummy, i bet crunchy too!

A SAHM Reviews.Net

simply divina said...

Love, I am trying to find the recipe of fried Ice cream for my hubby. This is sooo yummy!

Edsie said...

I've never tried that fried ice cream. Meron nyan malapit sa work eh. I'll try na nga un. Natakam ako sa picture ng post mo. Hehe!!

Visiting from Yummy Sunday.. Hope you could visit my entry too.. Chicken Salad with Cucumber

His Unfailing Love said...

Missed this fried ice cream sooooo much! Pahingi ...

Just wanna ask lang, where do I need to pass my blogs? The same lang kay margie? or may naa pa different na email...Thanks for the visit ha.


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