Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jollibee Party

My li'l boy likes Jollibee so much. So, we planned to let him experience a Jollibee party when we go back to the Philippines. But we have a little bit of a problem. We are only going back to Jollibee in December and his birthday is in October! LOL! So, we maybe we will have a post birthday party instead. ;) This must be the most delayed post birthday party ever. :)

For our li'l girl, we also did a similar thing. But in her case we had a pre-birthday party and celebrated her birthday a month earlier in the Philippines. Oh, we just want our kids to experience their birthdays in the Philippines. Aside from our family being there, there are also a lot of birthday stuff there from mascots to themed Girl Birthday invitations . My li'l girl enjoyed her Dora themed birthday a few years ago. Until now, she still remembers it and talks about it even if she was only 4 at that time. As for my li'l boy, oh,,,I'm sure he will love his Jollibee party.

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