Tuesday, July 12, 2011

30 Days No Spending Experiment

No, we are not doing the 30 Days No Spending Experiment but I've just read about an article about it the other night from Reader's Digest. I was so curious with the outcome of the experiment as I really wish we could do the same. It just so happened that I also told Hubby that same day that I will declare the month of August as a No-Eat-Out Month. :) My Hubby was quick to say that would mean we won't eat out for my birthday.. well, of course the 'fast' starts after my birthday. LOL!

Anyways, the family who has undergone the No Spending experiment really had an interesting month. The days when they thought everything was under control as they mostly borrowed stuff instead of buying, the plumbing went berserk. But surprisingly, the problem was solved without having to hire a plumber. But at the end, they learned a lot of things and were able to find out that there are just some things that we could live without.

As for my planned for the "no eating out month', I will have to do better in the kitchen and hospitality department. This would mean I will have to cook meals everyday and let guests eat at home instead of letting them try Thai food outside. I'm sure with this move, we will be able to save money wisely and at the same time, be able to control our figures. Yes, eating out has really been the culprit for weight gain these days and that's why people are looking for the best weight loss pills to combat this.

So, is my so-called plan possible??... We'll see....;)

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