Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No Presents?

I was busily wrapping the Christmas gifts to be brought for our family in Malaysia last night while my daughter was excitedly looking at them. She read the little cards one by one and realized that almost everyone has a present except.. for her and her brother. She then asked me whether they have a Christmas present from us. I wanted her Christmas present to be a surprise ( though I haven't bought it yet) so, I just answered her vaguely. Then, just to test her, I asked whether it's okay if we don't give them presents this Christmas. I was touched by her answer when she said, " It's okay. You've given me gifts for my birthday and I also received presents from other people." That's a nice thing to hear from her. I really appreciate the fact that she's not so much into material things though she's always happy to receive something from people.

Anyways, I'm excited to buy her Christmas present but before that let me finish packing our bags and write an article on buying a franchise business.

1 comment:

maritz said...



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