Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wedding Or Christmas

We're excited! We are planning to go home to the Philippines next year. We are either going home to attend our cousin's wedding or for Christmas. Both occasions are very special for us. If only we could go home twice next year and attend both, but that isn't quite possible.

But after much thought, it does seem we're likely to go home for Christmas. Our holiday will be longer at that time and the center is also closed for the holidays. So, there's not much responsibilities left behind. But then again, nothing is quite final yet. Who knows there might be some changes with dates and stuff.. ;) Then, we have to get ready for wedding gifts and modern 1st anniversary gifts.

( Sigh!) .. 2010 is not yet finished and here I am already excited for next year...

1 comment:

Genefaith said...

Ate I'll print the paper dolls for to pm you if maprint ko na..he..he...


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