Monday, December 13, 2010

Thank God For His Healing!

It all started with a joint and muscle pains, then I grew weaker until I had high fever at night. After 2 days of fever, cough and colds, we decided to go to the hospital for check up. The Doctor suspected it to be either 2009 influenza or dengue fever. But he sent us for the flu test first. After the results, the Dr.said something like my result says it's positive but he's not definite for the 2009 Flu. We got a bit confuse with what's he was trying to say but nevertheless, he gave me Tamiflu. In a few hours time, I got better but then one by one, my family was also getting the flu.

We visited the hospital a couple more times to have my boy and Hubby checked. I do praise God for His provision too as hospital bills are getting more expensive now. I can't imagine those who are undergoing other kinds of treatment like mesothelioma treatment , their hospital bills must be so high.

Anyways, as for us, after a few days of medication and treatment, we are all feeling better. Praise God!

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