Sunday, December 19, 2010

Added Career

I could have mentioned in this blog about my daughter who has a long list of what she wants to do when she grows up.

Well, another profession has just been added a few days ago and I kinda like her noble reasons for this particular career.

During our homeschool, we were reading a short biography on Ida Scudder. For those who are not familiar with Ida Scudder, she came from a family of missionaries. But when Ida was younger, she never wanted to become a missionary since she didn't like everything about India. But later this all changed when she found out that women died because they refused to be checked by a male doctor. So, Ida decided to become a doctor, went back to America to study came back to India. As a result, Ida Scudder founded one of the most famous hospital and medical school in India.

So, back to our daughter, after hearing the story about Ida Scudder. She then 'decided' to also become a doctor so she could help the sick children and women in India and other places ( and not just read md clear reviews ) . Oh, this is another profession added to her list and I really wonder what she will seriously pursue when she's older.

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