Monday, July 26, 2010

The Volkswagen Sound

We thank God for our old Nissan Sunny as our car. Even if it's already old but it's still serving us well. My Hubby and I were actually just telling each other last week, that the car seems better especially the engine sound after bringing it to the repair shop. But a few days ago, the car made some funny noises again whenever it's running. It has that Volkswagen-like sound. Our brother said that it must a spark plug problem. It was becoming too noisy that my Hubby decided to send it again for repair.

I was already a bit worried about repair costs because last month we already spend a big chunk of money for repair. But praise God that the cause for the noise is only a broken spark plug which didn't cost a lot. Whew! It's my prayer that our car will have a longer life even if it has already been running for more than 20 years. We just need to send it regularly for maintenance. Maybe we can also add a little bit of accessories like engine oil maintenance, rain guards, wind deflectors and stuff. I wonder how many more years our car will be able to run without much problems... another 10 more years perhaps?


His Unfailing Love said...

ay ganda ng template, I like the color... hehe obvious ba? Seldom lang ga visit...

His Unfailing Love said...

Try to check here, I exposed your blog, hehehe!


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