Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Kids

We praise God for the arrival of our brother's family. They came last Wednesday and be staying over for a few weeks. My kids are very happy to see their cousins and finally play with them. My li'l girl is especially delighted since she has been longing for kids to play with who can understand her fully. Yes, she goes to a local Thai school but because of language limitations she really can understand her friends very well and vice versa.
And since her cousins arrived I've noticed that she has been very happy, giggling and laughing with them. Our li'l boy is a happy boy too but since he's still small he can't really join much with his older "Ate's" ( older sisters). He is just happy playing with his toys and collecting all the coins around the house. It's really priceless for him to find all these coins and it seems like gold coins for him. :) And speaking of gold coins, I heard these will make great future investments.
Anyways, I'm just glad that my brother's family are here. Aside from spending time with them, I'm grateful that my kids are enjoying their time too.

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