Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Fingers of God

I've just watched a portion of the documentary film entitled the "Fingers of God". I can't help but be amazed by the miracles that has been happening in some parts of the world. Miracles such as people having new gold teeth while worshiping and not having to go to the dentist. Miracles such as gem stones falling out of nowhere. I saw some of the gemstones that fell and they were really huge. It has been reported that when they asked the experts to check on those gemstones, they said that they can't quite figure out the composition of those stones.

I was astonished with the size of the gemstones and I could just imagine how the Bible describes Heaven in the book of Revelation where we step on gold and everything is adorned in precious stones. Wow! I'm sure by that time no one will buy silver bullion anymore. So, I guess there's no better time to buy and invest in silver and gold than now. :)

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