Friday, January 15, 2010

Almost Three Years

It has only been three years since I've seriously started blogging but it already seemed like a long time. Earlier on, I've already started to blog using one of the social networking sites. I started a blog for my li'l girl because I thought that I won't have any thing interesting to write about myself. Then, later I used the Yahoo 360 and blogged more about our family activities, experiences and whereabouts as a way to update our families back in the Philippines. Then, my friend Janet introduced me to blogger and from then on, I've entered a higher dimension into the blogosphere.

It was then that I realized that there are thousands of other bloggers like me who live life simply and it's okay to write about ourselves, our experiences and our thoughts. At first, I was even so shy to befriend and comment on other people's site. It took me a few weeks before I came out of my shell, introduced myself to other bloggers and comment on their sites as well. Then, on the year 2008 through my friend's encouragement, I also joined the 'club' on monetizing my blog. And it was then I learned more things about the web and have found out the meaning of SEO, website hosting, page rank and etc. If you were to ask me about web hosting three years ago, I woudn't know what you're talking about. But ask me now and I think I have a better understanding of this term and can even give a site with a web hosting guide.

Anyways, so much of things has happened in the past 3 years in the blog world. Now, I'm even amazed at the rate of how bloggers and blogs are increasing everyday. I'm sure that in the next few years, blogging will be as common as emailing then.

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