Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Gift

I could feel everyone's excitement that Christmas is almost coming. Their excitement is even contagious that I too, am doing my own countdown. If I were in the Philippines, I would be looking forward for our family Christmas eve meal, family prayer, sharing of our thanksgiving list, and giving of gifts plus dances and games for the kids. Christmas celebration in the Philippines will always be fun and memorable.

In Malaysia, we usually go for Christmas service and we also have family prayer and gift giving during the Christmas eve.

But how do I want to spend our Christmas this year? Apart from the traditional thing that we do as a family, there is something more that I want to do for this season. I just want to spend more time in quietness and solitude with my God amidst all the bustles, the busyness and the 'noise' about Christmas. We have given gifts to everyone but have we given our gift to the One who is the reason for the season? We owe to God our lives.. in fact that's why He sent Jesus who came and died for us and that's why we celebrate Christmas now.... What could be our 'gift' for Him this season?

May God be truly glorified in our lives.. May we continue to seek to please him this season and the years to come.

A Blessed Christmas too all of you!!

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