Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I have so many things to be thankful for this week. Though today would be a 'sad' day since we will be leaving our family in the Philippines but I'm still thankful for the opportunity that God has given us to spend time with them. It was short yet sweet.. :)

We would also want to thank God for our family and church leaders who gave us a surprise early " Christmas Party" the other night. It was indeed very touching and we truly felt loved by our dear church leaders.

We are also thankful for the opportunity to serve God. Indeed it is a blessing to serve our Lord and saviour. We know that the 'road' will not be as easy as we would want it to be, but our assurance is, God is always with us.

We are thankful for the one year break that we had. It was indeed a year full of blessings and refreshing!

THank you Lord!

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