Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gift Giving in Balulang

Today is the gift giving in Balulang. This yearly activity has been started by my late father who many years ago went house to house in our neighborhood and to give a bag of groceries. I can't forget how he has retold the story of one of our neighbors who received the grocery bag with such joy (and with tears of joy) and couldn't helped but embraced my father tightly and thanked him countless of times. This and many of our neighbors were so thankful and touched by my father's thoughtful gesture. Our neighbors are actually very simple people who survive by their simple jobs such as driving the trisikad ( tricyle) , selling banana q, doing laundry or doing carpentry work. Some of them don't even have proper and regular income.

So, the gift giving has become a yearly thing with both my father and mother shelling out a portion of their income to give out grocery items to our neighbors. When my father passed away and with my mom retired from her job, the whole family took this up as a family project with each family contributing an amount to buy the groceries. Then, later the church also joined in and now the scope has widened by blessing not just our neighbors but also those who live farther from us. Indeed this activity is an opportunity to share not just our material blessings but also share our spiritual blessings.

I just hope and pray that through the sharing of these blessings more and more people will be able to experience the love of Christ in their lives.

Hi Tech Lasik

I've just read an article about Lasik. I'm still amazed with this hi technology procedure that can restore your vision 20/20 and can eliminate your need for contact lenses and eyeglasses. Some people might have reservations doing this procedure but it is actually very safe, painless and in fact the most common surgery procedure done in the US. If you want to find out more information you can visit the Stahl Eye Center now.

Word Filled Wednesday: Ecclessiastes 3

Ecclessiastes 3

1There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Almost Set

I'm excited! Our house is almost set! My Hubby and daughter are in our new (rented) house now and are busy setting it up while I'm with our li'l boy here in our temporary 'shelter' . I couldn't do much cleaning and arranging in our new house for now because of my li'l boy. If we were there, I guess I won't be able to accomplish anything except to run after him and guard him so he won't run up and down the stairs.

Anyways, I think most of the things are already done by my Hubby. Thank God for friends who also helped him to clean up last night. Yesterday, when we bought some of our house 'stuffs' we were also amazed by God's favor as we were able to see a shop which was on sale. They actually marked down all their items that has been on display for months. And apart from that, my Hubby also asked for more discounts. Praise God that we were able to save up a lot on the house items.

As I've mentioned in one of my posts, our house is actually in the same area as our 2 recent rented house. We've done a lot of house searching but ended up in the same place. Hubby and I believe that God has a reason why we are still in that area. And we are more than willing to be a vessel of blessing to our not so new neighborhood.

So, if you want to visit us in our new house, you are always welcome! Just call us anytime and we'll give you directions on how to get there. Our area is not at the center of the city but it's not also in the remote part where you need hid lamps to get in. :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Visa Application

Our hearts are just filled with so much of joy and relief. We just have just received our visa from the consulate yesterday and we're once again amazed by God's great favor in allowing us to get 1 year multiple entry visa. We've been away from the country for more than a year so, even if we have the necessary documents for visa application, we would be considered a first time applicants since we still have to apply for a work permit. Naturally for our case, the most we could get is a 3-month single entry visa. But since we believe in a miracle working God we prayed and asked for His favor. Even when my Hubby submitted our documents last week, the officer didn't look so happy with our 1 year request. He explained the whole process to my Hubby and said, he can't give us any assurance for the approval for our application but he will just submit the documents anyway. But even with his not-so-positive reply we continued to pray.

Then yesterday was the collection of our visas at 3:30 pm. There was a long delay in the release of visa due to the long holiday. There were already a lot of people in the consulate when we came and many of them were already impatient and angry with the hour delay. When my Hubby was in queuing to get our visas, he saw that the American man before him didn't get his visa. He applied for a 1 year visa but it got rejected. The man was so upset and was scolding the officer, he told the officer that he has been teaching in the country for 14 years and why they're not giving him any visa at all ( even a 3-month visa). The officer angrily explained to him that he doesn't have the necessary work permit. The man retorted back that he can show a copy of his documents in his laptop. But the officer refused to concede because he only wants the hard copy of the documents. By this time, my Hubby prayed more because we seem to have the same case with the American man. And finally, when it was my HUbby's turn to get our passports with our visa, his heart leaped when he saw that we got a 1 year , multiple entry visa. That's God's great favor!! We can't thank God enough for answering our prayers!! Thank you, Lord and we also thank God for family and friends who prayed with us.

Our next 'hurdle' will be our work permit application. But just as God has shown to us HIs favor, I believe He will grant us our heart's prayer again to have a smooth process of our work permit application.

Logo Designs

Do you want the best logo design for your company? Then, why don't you start a Logo Design Competition and get to choose the best design from over hundreds of designs from great artists?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Gift

I could feel everyone's excitement that Christmas is almost coming. Their excitement is even contagious that I too, am doing my own countdown. If I were in the Philippines, I would be looking forward for our family Christmas eve meal, family prayer, sharing of our thanksgiving list, and giving of gifts plus dances and games for the kids. Christmas celebration in the Philippines will always be fun and memorable.

In Malaysia, we usually go for Christmas service and we also have family prayer and gift giving during the Christmas eve.

But how do I want to spend our Christmas this year? Apart from the traditional thing that we do as a family, there is something more that I want to do for this season. I just want to spend more time in quietness and solitude with my God amidst all the bustles, the busyness and the 'noise' about Christmas. We have given gifts to everyone but have we given our gift to the One who is the reason for the season? We owe to God our lives.. in fact that's why He sent Jesus who came and died for us and that's why we celebrate Christmas now.... What could be our 'gift' for Him this season?

May God be truly glorified in our lives.. May we continue to seek to please him this season and the years to come.

A Blessed Christmas too all of you!!

An Online Auction

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Bidazzled. All opinions are 100% mine.

I've just come across a great online auction site that allows everyone to save up to 90% on the merchandise your are buying while also funding a charity. It's called the I just saw the items that were on auction now and I was just so amazed that there were items with the starting price of 0.00 $. And if you bid for a merchandise for .10 $ and no else bids after that, than you will surely get that item for .10 $. I'm actually looking at an HP W1858 18.5-Inch Widescreen Monitor now with the latest bid at .30 $. Hmm... It's a very tempting offer for an LCD screen, but sad to say that at this point the merchandise are only delivered in the US.

So, how does this great site works? You just register at for free, create an account and use your free 5 bids to get you start bidding. If you want to bid more you can buy bid packs for as low as 25$ ( you'll get more than 25 bids). Plus you'll get more bids from Bidazzled lucrative viral referral program.

So, why don't you check out their site now, see what I'm talking about and also see their other great exclusive offers :)

SocialSpark Disclosure Badge

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Joy Overflowing

Good byes are always sad and hard. We said another 'good bye' to our family in Taiping and set off to Thailand in the afternoon. We had a slow drive to Thailand as our car was so heavy and packed with our family's stuff - our accumulated stuff for a year. We brought back all our clothes, books, children's toys, bags and etc.

We had a 'peaceful' road trip as both kids we asleep. So, hubby and I were able to spend some quality time praying, talking and praying again. We know that our hearts and our lives are being prepared by God for yet another chapter in our lives. Our hearts were just so thankful for everything that he has allowed us to experience for a year - the blessings, the trips, beautiful memories with our family and loved ones. And our hearts are expectant of what God will do in us and through us as we go back to Thailand.

When we reached the border, my Hubby and I both has that sigh of relief.. " Ahh.. Thailand!". We can't help but smile and exclaim with glee that we're back home. ..Never mind if I only got a 15 days tourist visa ( Hubby and kids got 1 month!)... never mind if we still don't have a house to stay in ( we will be basically 'homeless' for a few days).. never mind if it'll be quite a challenge settling in and fitting back in.. never mind if we only have a short period of time set to rest ... But I just couldn't explain, my heart was just overflowing with joy! It was then I knew that indeed this is the place where we should be. Even if I know how happy I would be to go back home with my family in the Philippines . I even 'wished' that if I could just stay there forever.. but there is a different kind of joy when we in the place where God wants us to be.

My heart overflows with joy.. it's good to be finally back HOME.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday 33

It has been a great and busy week for us. Just last week ( last Thursday) we were still in our hometown in the Philippines and traveled to Kuala Lumpur and then Taiping, Malaysia. And now we are Thailand! :)

Here are the things that I'm thankful for this past week:

I thank God for his traveling mercies upon our family last week. We were almost late for our flight from our hometown to Manila. But praise God for that kind and gentle hearted ground stewardess who allowed us to check in even if the check in counter was already closed. Whew!

I thank God for our loving family back in the Philippines and Taiping. They all gave us surprises, great meals/ parties and gifts before we left. We will miss you all!

I thank God for a great road trip from Malaysia to Thailand. It was a refreshing time for me and Hubby as we spent a lot of time praying on the way.

I thank God for we are back HOME in Thailand.

Praise God for whom all blessings flow!

For more Thankful Thursday entries, please click the badge below.

Intermission: Investments and Services

Many people want to have some kind of investments for future use. And do you know that Insurances are also a form of good investment? Well, if you want to invest in something, then check out Cavalry Portfolio Services
Cavalry portfolio services offers
  • Generous commissions and bonus plans
  • Medical insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Short and Long Term Disability
  • and a lot more
So, if you're interested, you might want to cisit Cavalry portfolio services.

Word Filled Wednesday: Genesis 39:23

Genesis 29:23
... because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.

I've been reading the book of Genesis today and I can't help but notice that the verse above has been repeated so many times in the story of Joseph. These verses has somehow reminded me that the most important thing of all is for the Lord to be with us especially in our work, in our ministry, families and in everything... If the Lord is with us, then He will surely give us success in whatever we do..

For more encouraging and inspiring WOrd Filled Wednesday entries, please click the badge below.

Glasses Galore

Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Prescription Glasses. Are you looking for a cheap yet high quality pair of glasses? Then, no need to look further, just search far and wide here in the world wide web and who knows you'll be able to find your perfect pair- fashionable, high quality, comfortable, stylish and cheap.

I've just read an article that reviewed the famous Zenni Optical and it really got a very excellent review from a very satisfied customer. So, why do you need to pay more when you can get great quality for a very low cost.

I do have a 20/20 vision but if ever my vision needs to be corrected, then I already know where to go to get my eyeglasses .

Monday, December 14, 2009

End Of The 1 Year Break

Today officially marks the end of our 1 year break. Wow! It has been a year of fun and excitement with all the family get togethers both in Malaysia and Philippines, with our travel to different places, meeting of different people and etc. It has also been a year of challenges, if you could remember the flood, hassles of traveling with kids and budget constraints. But all in all, we could declare that God has been faithful ( and more than faithful) throughout the year.

So tomorrow, we will be going back to Thailand. One question that my Hubby and I have been asking each other is , " Are you prepared to go back to 'work' in the field ?" And our answer is " we will be fully prepared once we step on the border ". We believe that God is with us and His grace and strength will be sufficient for us. Of course there will be some adjustments and challenges but that's all part and parcel of our life. All these things are allowed so we would draw closer to God and not to rely on our own strength. On the other hand, I'm also excited.. excited to see how the work has grown during our absence.. excited to see our old neighbors and friends...excited to speak my rusted Thai language.. excited for the many opportunities for us to be a blessing.. and of course, excited for the delicious Thai food.. and I can't wait to visit Carrefour and see our friends there ( the cleaners, hair dressers and etc) !

So for now, bye bye Philippines and Malaysia and Sawatdee Kha, Thailand!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I have so many things to be thankful for this week. Though today would be a 'sad' day since we will be leaving our family in the Philippines but I'm still thankful for the opportunity that God has given us to spend time with them. It was short yet sweet.. :)

We would also want to thank God for our family and church leaders who gave us a surprise early " Christmas Party" the other night. It was indeed very touching and we truly felt loved by our dear church leaders.

We are also thankful for the opportunity to serve God. Indeed it is a blessing to serve our Lord and saviour. We know that the 'road' will not be as easy as we would want it to be, but our assurance is, God is always with us.

We are thankful for the one year break that we had. It was indeed a year full of blessings and refreshing!

THank you Lord!

Intermission: French

I don't know how to speak French and I wasn't so interested to learn the language when I was still in University. In fact, I took German language as my language elective which I enjoyed. But sadly, I can't remember much of those German words anymore except for " Danke" and a few of the numbers.

For those who knows how to read and speak French, I know of some French sites that you might be interested in like abri de piscine, big bag and sites francais .


I've just written a long post about something wonderful that happened last night. It was a post that was full of thankfulness and emotions. But when I tried to publish it, I got an error and when I hit the back browser button, I couldn't find it anymore.. Huhuhuhu!!

So, I would have to write the post again tomorrow since it's already late at night and I still have some pending tasks to accomplish. Good night everyone!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Intermission: TV and More

We went to Big R the other day and was surprised that they were selling their big LCD TVs with big discounts. One of our friends told us the last time that they find the appliances in Big R cheap especially at their discounted rates. It must be true because we found discounts as high as 25,000 Pesos in their shop. So, if you're in Cagayan de Oro, you better check out Big R's appliance section.

And if you happen to be in UK, there is also a site where you can find information, reviews and tips if you're looking for cheap 19 inch LCD TV .

3 Days

It's another countdown for us.. we only have another 3 days left here in the Philippines and we're going back to Malaysia and then Thailand. We are slowly preparing ourselves to get back to our base and once again do the 'work' that God has entrusted to us.

It has indeed been a blessed year of spending time with our loved ones both here in the Philippines and Malaysia. Our kids have enjoyed being with their cousins. And our family also got the blessed opportunities to travel to different places. God has been good to our lives. We truly thank God for this break.

And now we are excited and very much looking forward for all the things that God has prepared for us in Thailand. May we found faithful to Him who called us.

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