Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Warning: Dangerous Mineral

There are several toxic substances, chemicals and materials around us now. Just a few months ago, millions of toys has been recalled due to a high level of lead and other toxic substances. There was also this chemical that has been put in the milk powder that can cause illness to children.

But many years ago, there was this mineral that has been known to be a miracle mineral. It was the Asbestos. It was called as such, because of its property that is inextinguishable and for its variety of uses in construction, shipbuilding, auto mechanics and etc. This mineral indeed has a lot of uses but then, it is also lethal and toxic. Anyone who inhales its fiber for a long period of time is susceptible fall ill with Mesothelioma which is a form of lung cancer.

The hazards for this mineral has already been known as earlier. Even records showed that the ancient Greeks have already known this fact. But it took quite some time for the 'modern world' to prove this and link Mesothelioma as result to asbestos exposure.

Good thing though that people can get a Mesothelioma Lawyer now who can defend anyone affected with this disease and help them get help and compensation.


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