Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Dear Sister!!

Today is a special day!!

It's the ___th ( secret!) birthday of my dear Sister Mayet. She's not just my sis but my very close friend whom I can share with, laugh, pray with and all the other things sisters and friends do.. not to mention color each other's hair, do foot spa , pedicure and etc . ( oh, she does all these for me..without a cost,.! heheh!) She's a loving sister who you can count on to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth ( no holds barred!) if you ask her opinion on looks, clothes, decisions and everything.

I thank God for her life.. I thank God that even if we were so quarrelsome when we were still small but now, we've become so close. That's God's love and how He changes us all. As what my Nanay use to say, Mayette is really one changed and transformed life... a life changed from glory to glory.. because of God's grace and love.

Happy Birthday May!! We love you and miss you soo much!!

1 comment:

Laureen said...

luv,samahat ha...napaka dari nagbuy ko dye sa hair.he!he!kami nlang boggie mag dye2 sa amo hair.


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