Sunday, May 31, 2009

We're Connected!

Finally, after a 'long' wait we finally have internet connection here in our house. We got the streamyx combo since it's the cheapest package we saw with the 1mb speed. All the other cheaper packages have very low speed. Now, with out unlimited internet connection I can get in touch with family back home AND continue with my blogging career ( grabbing and posting paid tasks).

What I like about our internet package is that it also gives us a landline phone for FREE. So, we just don't get internet connection but also a landline connection. But I've also heard of voip technology where we can call anywhere in the world through the use of internet and it's cheaper than landline calls.

But as of now, I'm already happy for our new internet and landline connection. I hope and pray that I'll be blessed with more opportunities for 'paid tasks' in the blog world.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bring Them Here to Me

God knows our hearts and our situation. Just last night, our family has been discussing some struggles. thought of solutions and at the end prayed about it. And today, I was so blessed and encouraged by my devotional reading in Streams of the Desert. Even if this devotional book was written over 50 years ago, but the exhortation of God's word through this just went right through my heart and deals with our present situation.

Here is an excerpt of that reading:

Bring them here to me ( Matthew 14:18)

Do you find yourself at this very moment surrounded with needs, and nearly overwhelmed with difficulties, trials, and emergencies? Each of these is God's way of providiing vessels for the Holy Spirit to fill you. If you correctly understand their meaning, you will see them as opportunities for receiving new blessings and deliverance you can receive in no other way.

THe Lord is saying to you, " Bring them here to me." Firmlu hold the vessels before HIm, in faith and in prayer. Remain still before Him, and stop you own restless working until He begins to work. DO nothing that He Himself has not commanded you to do. Allow God time to work and He surely will. Then the very trials that threathened to overcome you with discouragement and disaster will become God's opportunity to reveal His grace and glory in your lif, in ways you have never known before.

" Bring ( your needs) here to me. "

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Dear Sister!!

Today is a special day!!

It's the ___th ( secret!) birthday of my dear Sister Mayet. She's not just my sis but my very close friend whom I can share with, laugh, pray with and all the other things sisters and friends do.. not to mention color each other's hair, do foot spa , pedicure and etc . ( oh, she does all these for me..without a cost,.! heheh!) She's a loving sister who you can count on to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth ( no holds barred!) if you ask her opinion on looks, clothes, decisions and everything.

I thank God for her life.. I thank God that even if we were so quarrelsome when we were still small but now, we've become so close. That's God's love and how He changes us all. As what my Nanay use to say, Mayette is really one changed and transformed life... a life changed from glory to glory.. because of God's grace and love.

Happy Birthday May!! We love you and miss you soo much!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mommy Moments- GrandMother's Bonding

mommy moments

This is my very first time to join this Meme from The Mommy Journey. As a Mommy, I also love to 'show off' precious moments with the kids and family. For this week's theme: Mommy Moments - Grandparents Bonding, I'm sharing the time when my 2nd baby was born in Thailand. It was such a special time because even if I delivered in a foreign land but both grandmothers ( from Philippines and Malaysia) came. With the support and presence of both Moms, all the fear and anxiety of delivering in a foreign land was gone. Thank God for my precious Nanay and mother in law. It was also a time for them to bond, laugh and share happy times together. It was indeed a blessed time.

Baby Lyle having his first dinner out at barely 1 week old... taken with Granny, Amma, Ninang Litlit with Appa, Ate Tricia and Kuya Z at the background.

Ammachi feeding Lyle

A New Product for Men

Men these days are now more conscious with their appearance. Who could have thought before that men needed to use body lotion, facial wash and cream? But now, all these things are already made especially for men.

And do you know that there's already such thing as mens makeup ? I was quite surprised the first time I learned about with this new product but after thinking about it, I remember the male celebrities, models and stars who need make up to cover their skin imperfections. Then, I realized that it's true, some men especially those in the limelight need make up too. There are also times that even ordinary men need make up and these are during special occasions like weddings or pictorials.

I guess it is a good thing that there's mens cosmetics especially formulated for the men's skin because it'll indeed avoid the possibility of making them look feminine by using women's make up. So next time, when our spouses, brothers or male friends need to look good and hide their blemishes for special functions and occasions, don't forget, that mens cosmetics are now available in the market. This can also make good Father's day gift for the more consious men.


Kids Before and After

Tricia at 6 months

Lyle , newly born

I was just browsing through our old photos and was so amazed as to how our kids has grown so fast. I Thank God that as a stay at home Mom I was able to see firsthand every 'firsts' and milestone that they've reached. I also thank God for the strength and HIs grace, because at times its challenging and sometimes 'boring' to just stay home and be with the kids. Hehehe!! But I relish every precious moments with them. They're just a blessing and brings great joy to us. They were countless of times, they brought a smile on my face and even brought laughter even at times of exhaustion.

Thank you Lord for giving us precious Lyle and Tricia.. May your wisdom and knowledge be upon us as we train them and lead them the way they should go.

Tricia and Lyle at Present

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Warning: Dangerous Mineral

There are several toxic substances, chemicals and materials around us now. Just a few months ago, millions of toys has been recalled due to a high level of lead and other toxic substances. There was also this chemical that has been put in the milk powder that can cause illness to children.

But many years ago, there was this mineral that has been known to be a miracle mineral. It was the Asbestos. It was called as such, because of its property that is inextinguishable and for its variety of uses in construction, shipbuilding, auto mechanics and etc. This mineral indeed has a lot of uses but then, it is also lethal and toxic. Anyone who inhales its fiber for a long period of time is susceptible fall ill with Mesothelioma which is a form of lung cancer.

The hazards for this mineral has already been known as earlier. Even records showed that the ancient Greeks have already known this fact. But it took quite some time for the 'modern world' to prove this and link Mesothelioma as result to asbestos exposure.

Good thing though that people can get a Mesothelioma Lawyer now who can defend anyone affected with this disease and help them get help and compensation.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Still Thinking about Myanmar

It's almost 2 weeks now since we arrived from Myanmar but I still can't stop thinking about the people and the place. As I constantly think about them, my prayers are with them too -that God will continually bless all the peoples that we've met and seen.

I don't know when we will be able to visit Myanmar again, but one thing for sure, I will always remember the place, the people and the experiences that we had in that wonderful place.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

An Evening at the Playground

One thing that I like about Malaysia is that there are a lot of public playgrounds around. So it means we don't have to spend money just to let the kids play and have some fun like we used to do back home.

So today we went to this playground in Klang town. It's a nicely designed playground which is shaped like a ship. There were already a lot of people there when we came. I guess the best time to go there would during the weekdays when there won't be much crowd. But still, our kids plus the kids at heart ( like us!) enjoyed the time playing. One proof that Tricia enjoyed her time so much was that she kept on thanking me for letting play in the playground.

It's really nice to create a lot of fun activities for our kids. These will not just create a bond for us as a family but also an outlet for their busy minds and bodies. I wonder what other activities we can do together next time, maybe a trip to Petrosains or the chocolate factory? I can't wait for them to grow up, because I'd like us to go camping or maybe paintballing ( that's when they've really grown up) . I haven't tried paintballing yet but before I saw some photos of the sport from a paintball shop and it did looked fun. I'd like to try that sport and maybe look through some paintball shops and get more information about it.

Refiners Fire

Going through the refiners fire is indeed a difficult process. There's a lot of pressure and pain involved. Sometimes it's just so tempting to tell our God to take us out of the situation at once and return to how life was before. But then, if we are in this process, we will learn.. learn to trust God, learn to be humble and be molded with all the impurities will be taken away. After which, we will come out more refined, shinier and more presentable unto our God. I just pray for more of God's grace and strength as we go through this stage in our lives.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good Health and Strength

I thank God for good health and strength especially during our trip early this month. Praise God that our kids didn't get sick and they didn't have any problem with the food and environment too. We really prayed for their safety and health because it's very difficult for kids to fall ill during any travel.

Many people warned us of the safety of the food and water of the place where we went. Eating street food is definitely a "No No " for foreigners. Well if you see how they prepare the food that they sell on the streets, I'm sure you won't have any appetite to eat too. So, we were very careful with our food intake while we were there. But then our kids especially , Lyle goes to almost anyone, some people gave him food without my permission. I couldn't just take away the food that they gave, because they might feel insulted. So, all I could do was to pray for God to cleanse the food since I was not sure where it came from. And thankfully, our kids didn't have any problems.

So, we all came back home safe, sound and healthy.. except for some minor back pains from carrying our bags and kids when they were too tired to walk. But the pains vanished after 2 days of rest. So, there was not need for us to Buy Fioricet to relieve us for the pain.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Birthday in 3 Countries

Our Li'l girl just turned 5 yesterday. She actually had an advanced ( very advance!) birthday party in the Philippines last month. So, that's why we didn't plan anything for her on her actual birthday. But still, we were so surprised and touched because the night before her birthday during our Thanksgiving dinner in Yangon, everyone sang ( about 200 locals) a birthday song for her and gave her a cake! And some even gave her some gifts. That was indeed a very touching moment and she was also so happy!

On the day of her birthday, we were traveling. So, in the morning we were in Yangon, Myanmar and left at 8:20 am. Then, at 10:30 am we were in Bangkok Thailand and stayed there for a few hours for our next flight to Malaysia. So, at 11:35 pm , we then arrived in Kuala Lumpur. So that explains her birthday in 3 different countries! That was indeed a very unique experience for a 5 year old girl. She is indeed one girl who's just so blessed and I thank God for that. I know for sure that God created her for a special purpose.


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