Wednesday, October 1, 2008

When Blogging Becomes Work

This is the first time in my blogging life when I don’t feel like writing at all. I have so many things I can write about then I just feel plain lazy to blog. If not for the expiring tasks that I have to do then I would have been away in the blogosphere for weeks already.

But I have to get back on my feet and force myself to think and write. Thinking and writing becomes harder when you’re not in the mood isn’t? I feel like one of the school girls once again who’s given an assignment from the teachers to do an essay and would want to buy custom essays to make the job done. Actually, I haven't been tempted to purchase an essay when I was in school. I, myself like to write custom written essays or any kind of papers in general but then I guess there are always days that you get tired and bored even doing the things you like.

I just hope this “ blogging laziness” would fade away especially since this blog already got a Page Rank and I’m expecting for more work to be done. * sigh *

1 comment:

Mariz said...

Days like these do come from time to time, I can totally relate. Sometimes when "blog"-laziness strikes, it's difficult to overcome, but as soon as you do, you regain the momentum once again.

How are you friend? Hope all is well with your life and ministry. Sorry, i've been so busy with work lately, haven't a lot of time to blogwalk, it's a holiday here today so I made sure I get to visit my online friends again..nice to be back here...warm regards!


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