Friday, October 10, 2008

66 Days to Go!

Nope, this is not my Christmas countdown but my countdown of seeing my Hubby again. My kids are I are here in the Philippines while he is in Thailand.

This is not the longest time that we're far from each other but the 2nd longest. The longest one we had was 72 Days. I was in the Philippines waiting to deliver our 1st baby while Hubby was also in Thailand because of the work.

Oh, it's just very difficult to be separated for a long time with someone you dearly love. After that difficult experience, we told each other that that would be the last time we'll be away from each other. But then , more than 2 years later we were separated by distance again for 3 weeks.

I guess, this is one of the challenges of cross cultural marriage or working in a 3rd country. This is one scenario that you can't avoid - being separated in 2 different countries. Haaayyy...

Another 66 days of thinking, missing, chatting, emailing, texting and calling.... I hope and pray that it'll pass by so fast. We just need to keep ourselves busy to let the days go unnoticed.

I just hope that this will truly be the LAST time to be away from each other.....

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