Monday, October 13, 2008

Re- Entry Stesses

It's our 6th day already here in my hometown and praise God because things are getting better. I've been really quite stressed out for the past days because our kids were still adjusting with the people and environment around us, our boy was sick and I was still so exhausted from our trip. Even if there were so many people around me to help me out with my kids but my kids were not willing. Even our 'friendly' Lyle didn't turn out to be so friendly at all as he just cling onto me and refused to go to other people. So, you could imagine me feeding Tricia, eating and doing other things with Lyle clinging on me. Tricia was testing my authority by being disobedient. She felt so free during the first few days and thought that she could do whatever she wanted including going out alone by herself to her cousin's house.

The first few nights of chats and phone conversation with Hubby was filled with complains of Tricia and Lyle doing this and that. But praise God for my encouraging Hubby who kept assuring me that things will turn out well and he's praying for God's strength.

And praise God that today was a quite a good day for me. Lyle is starting to go to other people (for a longer period of time) which gives me time to do other things or take care of Tricia . While Tricia though still very active, was quite milder today. Praise God for His strength too that I don't feel so tired and stressed out at the end of the day. Thank you Lord!

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