Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday 10

Praise GOd for all His goodness! I have so many things to be thankful about this week, indeed God is our healer and He takes good care of us:

1) I'm thankful that when I went for check up last week, the lump on my throat was only a throat infection and nothing serious. THe Doctor just gave me some antibiotics and now the lump is gone.

2) I'm thankful that this blog has got a PR2 and my other blogs got PR1 and PR3 too.

3) With the PR increase, I'm thankful to God that I have more opportunities to write paid posts and therefore earn and save money for our Big Trip next year! Yipee!! Exciting!

4) I'm thankful that we have God whom we could call on and trust for the healing of our kids who are both sick with fever and tonsillitis now. Hope you could pray for them too.

5) I'm thankful for God's strength and grace in our lives.

THat's all for now..and you might want to join this meme where we could count our blessings from God. Just click on the image above if you're interested.

God bless!


Denise said...

Bless your thankful heart.

Cheryl said...

You have a nice blog. Great post. Happy Thankful Thursday! God Bless~

Unknown said...


I think this is the first time I have been by your place. Lovely.

eph2810 said...

I am glad that the lump was nothing serious. PTL!

How neat that you are able to get more posts paid for - didn't know that the PR had anything to do with making more money.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

Be blessed today and always...

Anonymous said...

Hi! I found you through Thankful Thursday and am so happy I did! It's such a blessing to have this avenue to "meet" like-minded women! God bless you.

Unknown said...

Praising God your throat is fine!

Have a blessed week!

In His amazing grace,

Laurie Ann said...

May God continue to bless you so abundantly! Thanks for sharing your heart with us and have a Thankful Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Such a cool blog! So glad I dropped by today. Happy Thankful Thursday.


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