Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sky Watch Friday 11

This photo was taken during our road trip to Malaysia last week. The sky seems so vast in this photo.

Even if traveling is a bit stressful with kids but I still enjoy it very much. I just love to look at the sky, the fields, mountains and beautiful scenery from Thailand to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Traveling made me appreciate God's beautiful creation, that's why our family ends up singing Chris Tomlin's song, " How great is our God" everytime we're on the road.

Have a Blessed Weekend to ALL!


Anonymous said...

beautiful sky. love it. and love the song too. :)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

beautiful sky!!!!!! Happy Thankful Thursday!

Photo Cache said...

I love combining road and sky together, that's why I snap a lot while on the move. Very nice shot.

Rose said...

If you were to see my photos, you would believe me when I say I love this shot. Looking down the road shots are some of my favorites!

Aisha said...

Nice day to travel! :)

Tom said...

Just Simple and Perfect... Thank you



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