Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Mom's Birthday Surprise!

Last October 8th, Wednesday was my Mother's 68th Birthday and we gave her a surprise birthday party and a surprise birthday gift - our presence..hheheh!! My sisters didn't tell her that they were planning to hold a party for her at the hotel until on Sunday when they gave her her birthday invitation and asked her to get a new pink dress ( her birthday motif) and make herself beautiful. My Nanay didn't know we were coming especially for her birthday too. As far as she knew, we were only supposed to go back home in December. Little did she know, that as early as March, we have already booked our flights for October 8th. Sadly, my Beloved couldn't make it as his leave is only due in December. But, Praise God that my friend was also going back home to the Philippines so, she helped me a lot in traveling with our kids.

Here are the photos taken from our Nanay's 68th birthday celebration. It was indeed a great night to remember as everything went well and God's joy and presence was just evident during the whole program. Praise God!

more photos to be uploaded tomorrow.. it's already getting late here.. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. her bday celebration was truly a grand celebration. imagine a surprise all the way from thailand. very touching.


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