Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yummy Sunday - Spicy Chicken with Basil Leaves

Phat Kra Pao Kai or Spicy chicken with basil leaves is my favorite dish at all times! I could eat this everyday.. we'll I did try to eat this everyday for lunch for a week when I was teaching an 8 day course at our center. The neighbor shop actually makes a great Phat Kra Pao Kai and so I ended up ordering it when we're at the center. 

A few times, other food shops make this dish a little bit too spicy for comfort but surprisingly I still end up finishing it as long as I have a glass of Coke beside me. Heheh!

Oh, looking at this spicy meal makes me hungry now... and it's almost time for lunch!!

This is my entry for Yummy Sunday.. Join us now at Perfectly Blended.

Numerous Calls

Ever since my daughter has learned to use the phone and memorized her Appa's number about 2 years back. She has been calling her Appa on her own and sometimes she calls him several times a day! A few times she would just call and ask her Appa what he's doing. Many times, when I'm putting Lyle to sleep she would call him and ask whether she can go biking outside, buy something from the nearby shop and etc. There were days when she called Hubby 5 times in a day asking different things. So, we finally had to control her unnecessary calles and also taught her to dial 1234 before the handphone number so as to lessen the cost of the calls. 

As of now, we're not teaching our son how to make phone calls yet. I know he too will be excited if he's able to learn how make phone calls and sure we'll end up with exorbitant telephone bills. All these hi tech stuff really excites kids so much. Maybe using them makes them feel like grown ups or it satisfies their curious minds. I wonder how kids react when they see other stuff such as video intercom systems and hi tech doorbells. Hmm.. as for my kids, there's no need for me to wonder since I know what they'd do. 

Homeschool Devotions and Intercession

Every morning, before we start our homeschool, my kids and I do our devotions. We're currently using the material called, Leading Little Ones to God. I love how this book explains spiritual things and concepts in a way that a child can understand. After our devotions, we also spend time in praying and interceding for others. Oh, how I love to listen to my children pray. They're really precious to my ears.. so honest and so full of faith. I thank God for giving them the heart to pray and intercede in behalf of others. I believe God is pleased with their prayers.

For me, this part of the day ( our devotions) are the most significant part of our homeschool time. To see them grow in their faith in God and to see them pray for others... this, I could never exchange for anything.. and I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom and be here disciple my kids.

Lyle praying for the city... this photo was taken by our friend

Tricia's turn to intercede in behalf of HY... thanks Abby for the photo

Looking Forward for Summer

My daughter is looking forward for summer. She asked me the other day, how many months before summer starts.   One reason for her excitement for this season is not because of (she's too young for that) but  because she knows that she will be spending more time with her Thai friends during the English Summer Workshop. She has actually built good relationship with her classmates there. It's funny how she actually learned her first Thai phrases during the English summer classes. Her classmates speak Thai to her when they play and that's how she has picked up on the language. Now, she has been very confident with her Thai language and is being my son's interpreter when they're out to play with our neighbors. But back to summer, my daughter still has to wait for a long time before summer....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do Not Worry

See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? Matthew 6:28-30

I took this photo while I was waiting for my Hubby and kids to finish with their elephant ride at Chiang Mai Zoo. This flower is so small in the naked eye, about less than an inch, and hardly noticeable. But after zooming the camera, one can see the details and realize that indeed God has made this tiny li'l flower beautifully. If God can clothe this tiny flower and can take care of it, how much more His precious children.

Have a blessed week everyone!

Thai Traditional Music

We had the privilege of listening to Thai Traditional music of the North when we were in Chiang Mai last week. I love how their music sound even with the use of their hand made musical instruments. Of course power conditioner musicians friend was not needed since there was just a small crowd of people around and their beautiful music can be clearly heard.

Who Made God?

This is the question that my 4 year old ask me one day after having our devotions. My 4 year old is very inquisitive and I really like it that he's made this way. He ask the most unexpected questions and he doesn't let go of a subject until has has fully understood it. And I tell you, it's quite a challenge explaining spiritual things, concepts or ideas in a way that a 4 year old can understand.

As with his question, Who made God? I was able to explain to him that God has no beginning and has no end. No one made him.. and He exists by himself.. and told him all the attributes of God. I was a bit worried that he might ask me to define 'exist' and all the other words that I said that he might not understand.. but thankfully, I saw him nodding his head and said, 'Okay!'.. and no further questions were asked. :)

Global Puzzle Attempt

My kids and I attempted to complete this global puzzle the other week. It's a 600 pieces puzzle. I see this as a fun way of studying geography as my daughter has been keen on this subject for quite some time now. But we had to stop as my son already got bored and was throwing the puzzle pieces in different directions. I guess we have to do another attempt in competing this jig puzzle when my son is asleep or busy doing something else. I'm also learning a lot as I do this with my daughter, as I've encountered countries which I've never known has existed before.

Precious Moments

Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands.
Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.
Psalm 112:1-2

It is truly our prayer that God will bless our children , make them mighty in the land and that their generation will be blessed.

Our children are truly God's precious gifts for us. We thank God for them and treasure every moment that we have with them. God bless them!

A Fun Afternoon at Chiang Mai Public Park

Last week, our family was able to visit the Chiang Mai city public park. It was our first time to visit the place and we really loved it. The place was kept well with a man made lake, a playground and coffee shop with rustic tables inside. As for the kids, the highlight of our visit there was getting to feed the pigeons. It was their very first time to get that close with the birds. They really loved it!

Snapshots of Lyle setting the bird free! He was so happy on setting it free.. I could always 'hear' his laughter, whenever I see this photo.

My daughter and his head as a nest.. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

10th Anniversary

Hubby and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary a few days back. It's really amazing how God has brought us through the 10 years of cross-cultural marriage. If you've read our love story( the link is up) , I originally didn't plan to have a 'foreigner' husband. I thought that the adjustments will be difficult especially as I already knew that I have to work on a cross-cultural setting. But looking back, I'm so surprise to realize that we really didn't go through major, earth-shaking adjustments. Many times, I tend to forget that my husband is a foreigner since we understand each other very well. All I can say is, this is all because of God's grace and a testimony that indeed God is good and has brought us together for a purpose. Glory to God!

Below is the photo I took especially edited for my Hubby for our anniversary. Those rings are our wedding and engagement rings, though they are not bellissima, but they're equally special and very meaningful for us.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Yummy Sunday - Cookie Monster

For this week's Yummy Sunday entry, I'm sharing the Cookie Monster cupcakes that I baked last week for our friends' son's birthday. I've been seeing this cupcake for quite sometime in Pinterest and so I decided to try it. My kids really had fun decorating the cupcakes, putting the eyes and the choco chip cookies. I'm glad that they turned out well, though I think it would be better if I had white choco melts to use for the eyes.

Maybe next time, we should try the Elmo cupcakes.. :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Surprise Birthday Party

It was our friend's birthday the other day and we decided to give her a little surprise birthday party. It was sort of an impromptu decision as we have only planned it a night before. So, that Friday before lunch, I started to prepare all the things that I needed for the party. It's good that I got a little help from my girl and also from Hubby. I was able to complete everything on time in our little kitchen. And oh, it's really great to have a small kitchen because I could work faster as everything is just within reach. If I needed anything in our kitchen, it would be those RTA Kitchen Cabinets so as to store all my dishes and baking stuff. I heard those cabinets are of good quality and easy to assemble. *

Anyways, I'm glad that our friend enjoyed her surprise birthday party! As always, it's fun and exciting to invite other friends and surprise the celebrant. Organizing surprises like these are really worth all the time and effort especially knowing that you've blessed someone who has been a great blessing in our lives as well!

Abelene, if you're reading this, we're truly blessed with your heart and with your life. We pray that in God's beautiful time, He will give you your heart's utmost desire... "HAppy Birthday to you!!" ... :)))

* a sponsored post

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