Monday, April 2, 2012

She's Not Ready Yet

For the past couple of days, no matter what topic we talk about, we always go back to the 'bombing incident' that took place last Saturday and end up thanking God for His protection and safety. Then my daughter asked me, 'What if we really went to McDonald's? What could have happened to us?'. I was just blurting out my thoughts silently and said, ' If it's time to go.. then it's time to go. Our lives are in God's hands." I didn't notice that she just heard what I just said. Then she replied, " But I'm not yet ready, Amma!" I was surprised with her reply. I was already thinking of giving her a 'sermon' on assurance of salvation, faith, heaven (no more tears, no more pain) and etc. when I asked, " Why?". Then her answer surprised me all the more ... "Because, I have not shared the gospel to the people yet. I want to tell them about God!', was her answer. I was rendered speechless as I tried to hold back the tears from my eyes. I thank God for I know that it's Him who laid this in her heart at very young age. It is my prayer that God will indeed use her life to be a blessing to the others!


nanay said...

Praise God! I am so blessed...

nanay said...

Praise God! I am so blessed for Tricia's life.

irvin said...

AMEN Tricia... We need to share the gospel to the people of Hatyai... God bless your heart...!


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