Monday, April 2, 2012

Good Bye Flashlight Phone!

I have been using this LG 'flashlight' phone for years (which I've passed to my Hubby after being contented with landline phone!) and it has really served us very well. I'm not a very 'hi-tech' person but when we went to the Philippines we were so surprised that almost everyone has smart phones, even the little ones! Then, we realized that aside from the 'pirated' (imitation) phones, smartphones, phone accessories and ipad accessories tend to be cheaper there too.

And then last week, my android phone from the Philippines arrived! Yehey! It's a blessing from God given to me by 'someone'. Bless this person Lord! Now, I'm completely saying goodbye to my 'flashlight' phone (sorry buddy, but you have a very good owner, don't worry!) and saying Hello to my cute new phone. Thank God for cute blessings! ;)

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