Friday, April 27, 2012

On Contests and Games

There was a time ( during our 1 year break) that I was joining in a lot of online contests. That was also a time when I won a lot of prizes too. The biggest prize that I won was a free package 8 day trip to North Thailand. We also won free air tickets for 2 to Jakarta, Indonesia and free hotel accommodation in Bangkok which we were not able to claim because of our busy schedules. But anyways, I guess the saying is really true that 'the more you join contests, the more chances you have of winning.' You see, if one doesn't join any contests then of course, he or she won't win any prize, right?

Anyways, I could still remember the very first thing that I won during my elementary years. You see, my parents were members of a 'club' that organizes annual bingo games every summer. So, we were kinda 'forced' to participate but as for me at that time, I wasn't expecting to win anything because the hall was just so full of participants. But guess what, I one one of the minor prizes - a photo album. :) Bingo games were quite popular during my younger years and I never thought that this game could survive during the hi tech era. Well, I was surprised to find out that it still exists now and there are even online versions of it. It's so easy if you want to try it out, because you can just go online and play bingo (sign up now).

Oh, writing about online contests now, makes me miss those days when I had so much of time to search and join contests. It's really an exciting experience to wait and see whether we've won or not. Maybe next time. As of now, I'm quite busy with the kids' homeschool.. since we have a lot of catching up to do.

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