Thursday, January 12, 2012

Our House Before and After Sendong

This is what our house looked like before the flash flood brought by Typhoon Sendong. This has been our home for 10 years since we moved here after my late father retired from work. So, he basically designed and built this house with his own hands. He made a treehouse for the kids, a swing and etc. Everyday, he used to work on something for the house.

( the river is on the right side)

Our house after the flood...

Only a portion of our toilet is left standing

Everything else is gone..

The place looked like a desert except for a few remnants and trees...

But in all things we give thanks to God! We especially thank God for keeping our family safe. We couldn't imagine what could have happened if they failed to evacuate the place. But God is good!! Though my mom and 2 sisters lost their houses and everything in it, but their faithm hope and love for God remains the same! This just proves that everything in this earth may soon pass but only 3 things remain, faith, hope and love...

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:`13

Photo credits: Bogie of Bogie's Wonderland

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