Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Almost Settled

It has been more than a month since the flashflood in our city happened. I praise God my family is almost settled and they're soon to move to a more permanent place to stay. As of now, my mom and sister's family are still staying in our relatives' house while my other sister is staying in a friends' house. But soon, they will get settled and I thank God for His favor that is on them.

As for the other residents in the city, I also saw several photos from my friends' Facebook, that the other people affecter are also slowly rebuilding their houses though some are not yet thinking to put basement tiles or other finishing touches but at least they will have a roof over their heads and no longer have to stay at the evacuation center.

Oh, thinking about the state of my other fellow Cagay-anons really breaks my heart. It is really my fervent prayer that our city will be spared from another flood or tragedy like this.

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