Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Balulang Gift Giving 2011

A few years ago, my late father has started a family tradition for Christmas and that was giving Christmas gifts to our less privileged neighbours. This has continued on for many years even after he passed away and the project was even adopted by our church.

But after the flashflood brought by Sendong ( typhoon Washi), we thought of not continuing this tradition for this year since our houses were completely washed away from the flood. My brother in law even told us one day when he was at the flood site and one of our children's neighbor asked him whether there will still be a gift giving this year. I guess, this is one awaited event in the neighbourhood every Christmas. But my brother in law sadly told him that maybe not this year since all the presents have already been destroyed by the flood.

We really thought that there won't be any gift giving this year, but God has provided the funds to us through another church. This time, the allotted budget was even so much bigger than our usual gift giving budget. The fund was so much that we were able to extend the blessing to the other families who were affected by the flood as well.

Praise God for blessing our neighbors and the rest of Balulang!

A surprise appearance from Sponge Bob for the kids

Our neighbors with their gifts

Our Pastor encouraging the flood victims

Falling in line to get their goodies. They needed to present their tickets and no need for gamestop coupons .


Snack time

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