Tuesday, August 16, 2011

PSU Agri Fair

Our family had a fun time at the Prince of Songkhla University Agricultural Fair this evening. This fair is actually one of our awaited events for the year. No, there's nothing so much grand about this event but we just enjoy looking at the various displays and items being sold. From car exhibitions with brochure displays to the Thai local delicacies, oing to this fair is indeed a feast to the eyes and our stomachs. :)

Our kids on the other hand, had a wonderful time looking and touching the rabbits on display. They were so cuddly and cute. For a moment, I thought that we would be leaving the rabbit shop with tears from my kids' eyes but I'm relieved that they have somehow accepted the fact that we can't take care of rabbits as of this time. But instead, we bought a few fishes to add in our aquarium.

Anyways, we might be going back there again and see the other side of the fair since we only visited a small portion of the place we were already tired from walking.

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